A Lady No More Ch.8

Martin Hastings "A Lady No More" Ch. 8
                                               "A Lady No More"

                                       Chapter 8  

     Martin was to be dressed in black all week. He was to spent a lot of his time in public where people could see how much sorrow he was suffering. On this day he wore a black veil and black platform heels. Not appropriate shoes for such a somber occasion. Martin wore the 6" heels with 2" platform sandals with fishnet stockings. His hands encased in a pair of black gloves that had pearl buttons on the bottom, side wrist. The dress he wore had spaghetti shoulder straps and was backless, but as inappropriate as that look was, nothing compared to what Leanne did to him for the public to see.
      Right after having his hair dyed pink, Martin expected to be taken out and put on display for the public's opinion of his grieving fashion statement. However it didn't go as he thought. It was worse.
      A wig cap was stretched over Martin's head covering his now pink hair. It was very tight and then Leanne pinned it around the edges.
      "OK Mrs. Vargos, now I'm going to put this black stocking over your head. I want you to close your eyes for me till I'm done."
      "Why?" Martin watched as she rolled the stocking up in her hands preparing to pull it over his head.
      "It's part of your Black Widow look."
      "You expect me to walk around town where people can laugh at me with that pulled over my head?"
      "Of course, but they won't laugh. This is such a sad ocassion for you." she said.
      Martin closed his eyes and Leanne worked the stocking over his head. The stocking was very tight and Martin's facial features became distorted as the stocking compressed his nose, and rolled his bottom lip out. His eye were unable to open all the way as normal and his brow was pulled down in his eyes.
    She left the excess stocking on his neck for now and took the extra on top and pulled down the back of his head and tucked it under the neck. Leanne then rolled the excess on his neck up to just below his chin, exposing the clean neck. She twisted the stocking in back into a small knot and tucked it under also.
      "That's a little tight," he growled.
      "Good. It's suppose to be. We have to do one more," she said running the palm of her hand over Martin's stocking face.
       "Damn it, don't I look foolish enough?"
        "Foolish? Not at all," she said working another black stocking over his head. "You are dealing with things in your own way."
        Once again she pulled the stocking tight and being a second stocking his face became more difficult to see through the hose. Leanne tucked and secured the ends as before.  
      Leanne straightened his head up and looked at the results. Martin's distorted face was still clearly through the dark stocking.
      Leanne took a fishnet stocking that was in black with a gold glittering effect and pulled it over his head.
      "Stop," Martin groweled not knowing when she would stop doing this nonsense, but this was the final one. She finished the fishnet stocking and looked at him again.
       "Oh yes, your face is still plenty visible. I was concerned that people would not be able to see your distorted facial features. The emotional anguish you are suffering," she said holding his head with both hands.
      "I swear Leanne, if I ever get free and can somehow reapay you for all you've done to me I will."
       Leanne seemed unintimidated by his response and ignored his angry words. 
      "Mrs. Vargos, this black collar is no different than the other ones you wear when you are out in public or alone about the estate. It has the audio alarms, as well as the flashing strobes. The shock pulse will be set at 15 seconds intervals. The GPS will be set daily based on your plans for the day."
     "Why is this being done to me," Martin said in a defeated voice. "I am no longer married to him, why are you making me continue to do this?"
      Leanne did not answer him, as she lifted his chin and wrapped the collar around his neck making sure the small electrodes made firm contact with the skin. She then fastened the collar in place. Leanne then took the key and locked it. A second key was used to activate the alarm devices on the collar.
      "There you go Mrs. Vargos. All safe to go outside. Now your wig for the day," she said taking up the long, curly mass of blond hair, stretching the cap and placing it on his head.
      "What is that," he said looking at the wig she was holding.
       "This will be your hair for the greiving period Mrs. Vargos. "It was felt that a extreme change in your hair was needed during your mourning period."
       "You dyed my hair pink!"
       "Yes I did. That will be your new look after you have mourned your husband's passing."
      She fitted the wig into place and then pinned it into the stocking covering his head. Martin's hair now hung to the middle of his back, beautifully framing his stocking covered, distorted face with blonde curls.
      Darren and Sarah now came into the room. They just stood in front of the chair and watched as Leanne finish primping the long blonde cascade of curls on Martin's head. Leanne then placed one hand behind Martin's neck, and cupped his chin with the other and firmly held Martin's face up where they could see the finished results.
      "I don't know about you Darren, but I like it," Sarah said seriously still checking him out with her arms crossed.
       "I think it will serve the purpose well," Darren said as he too stared at Martin's appearance.
       "I'd like to see this with the vail. Leanne, could you please put the vail on him," Sarah said.
       "Sure," she said letting go of Martin's head and reaching for the black veil that was sitting behind her. As she placed it on top of his head Martin looked at Darren through the layers of stocking.
        The long black veil hung over Martin's shoulders in the back and just below his chin in the front. After it was in place Leanne once again gripped Martin's head and held it firmly in place so he could be evaluated.
       "Why is this being done to me?" Martin squeeled in frustration while Leanne held his head firmly in place.
        "Martin, this will be your public mourning look for the week," Sarah said.
       "A stocking pulled over my head. I look like some kind of freak.
       "I prefer to think of your look as eccentric," Sarah said with a warm smile.
       "Why did you dye my hair pink then?"
       "Actually the stocking allows for you not to have your hair and makeup done daily. We can just pull the stocking over your head and explain it as a way of you hiding your sorrow. Leanne came to dye your hair, but she will be gone till the funeral. Easy maintenance I guess and the look is appropriate for you Lady Vargos."
       "Why am I still wearing the collar? I'm free, I shouldn't have to wear this collar any more."
       "Martin we want you to have as much freedom as possible, but we can't have you running away.
       "Running away? So I'm a captive again still?"
       "No, you are just being managed right now by people who actually have your best interest in mind and care about you."
        Martin was released from the chair, hw was led outside the room. The first maid that saw him gasped at the sight of him before quickly performing a curtsey. She stared at Martin as he walked by her.
      With the black stocking over his head and the black veil touching his hair in the middle of his back but barely covering his chin in front. His long blond wig hanging in curls in the middle of his back clearing the vail. Martin was led through the house walking passed several of the domestic maids. He wore the black party dress with spagehtti straps over his bare shoulder and 2" platform black spike heels.
       Martin's heart sank at the first girls reaction. The domestic help are accustomed to the bizarre happenings around the house. He had been paraded around the house many times with his male gentalia exposed for the amusement of the staff, and humiliation for himself. If she was that surprised at his appearnace, how would people in public react? He was about to find out.
        There was no security around to handle him like there had been when the Baron was alive. They had other affairs to deal with around the estate, but the collar was now armed in case Martin had any ideas of being disruptive.
        Martin stepped outside and there Phoebe was with her photographer. Darren and Sarah stood beisde Martin each clutching one of his arms and Martin was photographed numerous times with his legal counsel. The photographer moved about getting different angles. Martin in his bizarre mourning look was certain these pictures would be on the cover of tabloids in the morning.
       "Mrs. Vargos, I am so sorry to hear of your husband's passing, will you be mourning him in the old custom of a greiving widow like you have done with so many of the other older customs during your marriage to this man? Showing so much love, " Phoebe said holding a recorder to Martin's lips for a response. 
       "Get away from me Phoebe. I don't know what you are talking about, and I thought you were helping me, but I see you are just getting ready to write more of your lies about me."
        "We have to go now," Sarah said as they ushered Martin to the car. Pictures were taken of him until he was driven away.
        "What is the greiving custom she was talking about," Martin said with little emotion as he looked out the windows. "Tell me I am not doing it, whatever it is. These customs are so ridiculous."
         "It is the time the widow sits next to the grave or casket of her dceased husband, shrouded in black and weeps for the love she has lost. It is done in such a manner so your grief can be put on public display."
        "No," Martin said.
        "The old custom has the widow visiting and sitting at the grave for an additional week after the burial."
        "No," Martin insisted this time.
        "Martin, it furthers your cause in the community. You just have to sit there by yourself dressed as you are now. People will pay their respects from a distance," Sarah explained.
         "I'm not an animal in a zoo to be gawked at by the public."
         "No you are not, you are the greiving widow of Baron Vargos. We have to sell this as a great loss for you. Remember you were in te intial stages of a divorce for alledged adultery. The public is not sure what to think of those allegagtion's yet."
          "I don't care what they think."
          "You should. It's all about your financial wealth Martin," Darren said.
           "Just let me go and I will take what is mine and the Baron's family can have the rest."
           "Just so you understand Martin it's not that simple."
           "Why is it never simple. I'm not stupid. Tell me."
           Darren looked at Sarah. He nodded to her.
           "Martin we have several problems with the divorce agreement and your inheritence, but so do the Baron's attorneys. They want this divorce to go through without a hitch, but they have a legal snag. Now do you remember how much they offered you in a monthly allowance?"
          "Yes, but you said that was an offer so they could steal my inheritance."
          "Martin, that is your inheritance. That's what your father actually left you. You are not rich. They also want to ensure you have the sex change even if it's finished after the divorce. Why, I don't know."
         "To scare you off I would imagine. They all know you want out of here very badly. The Baron's attorneys know what he had in mind. We need to counter that. You loved the Baron and wish to stay here, at least that's our angle for now. The problem they have is the Baron's estate is now in your hands. It is in the name of Marcia Vargos, at least technically."
         After all the discussion Martin sat stunned and ask the only question on his mind.
         "Why did my father leave me such a nothing allowance?"
         They put Martin in the back of the car and closed the door.
         "Why did you tell him he had no money?" Darren asked. "It's the sex change we are try to stop."
         "I figure it will buy us a little more time with him. I'm sure Martin will be more cooperative this way."
         Martin was taken to the funeral home where the Baron's casket was. Randy was the man who ran things and greeted them at the door.
        "Mrs. Vargos, I am so sorry for your loss. If there is anything we can do to make you comfortable just ask."
        Martin said nothing as he was led inside. The red LED lights on his collar blinking of and on periodically indicating all functions were operational. 
       "Right this way," Randy instructed.
        They were taken to the chapel where the casket was in place in the front of the pews. Martin was led up front his high heels making distintive clicks as he slowlt approached.
       "I don't want to see that bastard," Martin hissed to Darren.
       "Just hang in there Martin. It[s going to be just fine."
       There was a wooden stool next to the casket.
       "Martin please have a seat on the stool," Sarah said with a knowing smile.
        "No," he said.
        "Martin please," Darren said. "Don't make us force you. This is needed."
         Martin stepped up on the stool.
        "Cross your legs Martin." She helped him into position.
        "Don't open that thing," Martin hissed.
         "It's OK Martin. It's empty for now," she said as the casket was opened.
         There was a manaquin in the casket dressed in a dark suit.
         "Martin place your hand in the casket on the hand of the dummy," Sarah said once again helping him laying his hand in the casket.
          "That's good. Now sit up straight and lower your head."
          "What is this all about."
           Sarah handed him a white handkercheif.
          "People will come to pay their respects, but they will do so from the back of the room. They think you are greiving for the Baron."
          "Where is the prick?" Martin ask feeling stupid once again being forced into another submissive custom designed for women.
          "We are still preparing him Lady. It will be later in the week before he will be placed in the casket," Randy said softly.
           Martin was then left alone sitting on the stool, dressed in black.
           Phoebe stepped into the back of the chapel with her photographer and once again took pitures of the greiving widow.
           Martin had to sit next to that casket for six hours as many people came and sttod at the back paying their respects. It was a long day. When he got home he was tired and confused. Martin was left alone for the evening in his bedroom suite.
        Martin wore white panties and a white lace bra. He had to wear the bra because of what had been done to his nipples. The injections had made them sensitive to fabric rubbing over them. He also had on a long white silk robe with white boa trim. It was all he could find to cover up with for now and he wasn't putting on any of the lingerie he had been forced to wear for the Baron.
         Martin heard the key unlock the door and a woman stick her head inside the room.
        "Hi Martin, I am Sasha. May I come in?"
         Martin stepped back surprised.
        "Who are you? What do you want?" Martin said wishing his pink hair was covered.
         Sasha stepped into the room. She was wearing red lingerie and very high heels. She stepped cautiously as if she wasn't accustomed to such heels.
         I am your concubine for tonight. There are two other ladies here with me. Would you like us to pleasure you this evening?" she asked as the two younger girls stepped into the room.
        Martin felt embarrassed standing there in his long satin robe, and his nails painted red.
        "Who sent you?" he asked once again not trusting them.
        "The question should be, do you want us? We will do what you want us to do." She walked toward him now. "I hear you haven't had a woman in a long time."
       She handed Martin a card. He opened it.
       "This is for you Martin. Just the first of many nights. Enjoy your evening." It was signed Darren.
        Martin was nervous. He didn't want these girls to see him like this, but he did crave the touch of a woman.

        "Come in............." he said softly.

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