A Lady No More Ch. 16


ALNM Ch.16

                                                "A Lady No More"  Ch. 16
       "Martin? Is that you," Emily said when no one answered immediately.
       "Yes," he said softly. "The decision on my sex change is tomorrow morning."
       "I know," Emily said sympathetically. "I pray they don't do this to you Martin."
       "Could you come over, I need you," he said softly.
       "OK, what do you need. You want me to curl your hair tonight for the hearing?"
       "Well, yes, but I was thinking more of you spending the evening with me after you curl my hair."
       "I'm still a boy Martin. Is that OK? I will do your hair honey as it will need to be done, but are you wanting to have sex with me afterward? Is that what you are asking,
" Emily said directly but not in an aggressive manner.
        "I just want to curl up next to you and hold you like we used to do. I don't want to push things especially after I was such a jerk to you."
        "Oh Martin. It's alright. It wasn't right the way I went about deceiving you to believe I was a real woman when eventually I knew things had to come out. I will be over in a little bit baby."
         Martin was wearing a long full length sapphire stain robe that was edge all the way around in black boa. He was naked underneath. He gave Emily a long passionate kiss when she arrived.
         "Sorry," he said to Emily as she smiled. Martin took in Emily's feminine appearance telling himself she was a very attractive woman and what hung between her legs didn't matter, as long as something hung between his.
         "It's OK," she said looking into his eyes.
         "I thought you had a client this evening?"
         "I did. He was an older gentlemen. We're all done. Didn't take long for him to shoot his wad. I hope you can hold it a little longer," she said jokingly.
         "I'll try," he said giving her a hug.
         "OK baby, let's get this hair shampooed and put in curlers for the night first."
          Emily lay on her side propped up on one arm watching Martin sleep. His head full of brush curlers.
         "Your going to miss having your hair curled once this is all decided," she said laughing.
         "I don't think so," he said with his head tilted forward and she rolled the back.
         "You don't like wearing curlers in your hair baby?" she chided.
         "No I don't," he said immediately keeping things light hearted.
         "Well, what if I wanted to put you in curlers just for me."
         "Oh I don't know, just a silly girl moment. You know, will my man do this just for me when he would do it for nobody else."
         "We will discuss that at the appropriate time."
         They had both laughed and had a good time rolling his hair.
         It was good he was able to sleep now, especially after having sex with Emily's butt hole for two long love making sessions that evening.
        Emily knew the chances were that Martin would be taken from the courtroom tomorrow in handcuffs straight to the facility that would be where he would stay until the sex change process was completed. With or without a penis, Emily had feelings for Martin. Emily didn't need to be anally penetrated to be fulfilled in a relationship. Her anal cavity had been used by many, many clients over the years, and there was special feeling of desire coming from there. Emily didn't crave being butt fucked anyway, but he didn't mind it either. Emily then smiled with a thought, if Martin was forced to become a female and then they got married it would be a normal hetero marriage because Emily would be the male and Martin the female on the legal documents.
        "Can you live with that darling?" she said softly with a smile as he slept.
         Emily looked at the clock. It had been a couple of hours since Martin had rolled over and gone to sleep. Emily decided to wait another hour before easing under the covers and giving Martin a blow job. Then she would let him sleep the rest of the evening, and wake him in the morning while sucking his dick and give Martin the option of having anal sex or a blow job.
        Martin walked down the hallway of courthouse the larger collar around his neck. He was wearing a flowing white knee length dress with floral designs and a pair of 6" white peep toe high heels. His pink hair done up in in a French Twist by Emily that morning, His hair sparkled in the sunlight from the heavy application of hair spray. His hair was sticky to the touch but that was OK since no one was touching it. He was wearing long elegant earrings he was led down the hall to have the collar removed.
         "Sit here please," the lady said in a  taking him in a room with her getting the keys. As she disarmed the collar she smiled at the way he was dressed. "Why do you guys walk around dressed like women? You're not women. You're queers and need to keep this in your own homes," she said as she unlocked the collar.
         "I'm forced to do this," Martin said staring straight ahead.
         "Well, I don't know what they have decided but there is a truck here with security and a doctor to sedate you. I am sure they will take you into custody afterward," she said smiling at him.
          "Are you done demeaning me yet," Martin said to the guard.
          "Yep," she said flipping the keys in her hand. She leaned over and whispered in his ear, "We need to get you perverts off the street. I hope they decide to cut your dick and balls off while you are awake to experience the entire process, you rich faggot." she laughed out loud then escorted him to a small room outside the courtroom.
            The guard had been very rude and open about how she felt about men being feminine perverts. Much the way he used to think. But he now realized not everyone accepted the lifestyle that was forced on him, but they were all in agreement on what was to be done to him. Martin wiped a tear from his eye.
           "I don't want to be a woman or female. I want to be left alone," he said softly to the guard as she was leaving.
           "Well it's to late now," she said closing the door.
           Martin sat feeling helpless and that any hope was all but gone.
          A few minutes later Sarah came into the room. She looked at him with his head hanging low.
          "Martin, we will be entering the judges chambers soon. There seems to be some questions she would like to ask you before we enter the courtroom and she makes her decision."
          "Sarah, what are the chances of me getting out of this hell?" he asked looking up at her tear eyed.
          "I'm not going to lie to you Martin, there is a good chance you will be taken away today for a full sex change including the ability to reproduce."
          "OMG!" Martin said looking up at he ceiling.
          "Martin, even if that is the decision we have one appeal on this and we will submit it immediately, but you will have to begin the process while the appeal is being heard," she said looking at some papers.
          "What? What do you mean? They will do the surgery then if I win the appeal I'm still fucked."
          "No Martin, they will start the female hormone therapy and begin prepping for the procedures. They still have to find a donor for the womb and the reproduction parts. There will still be sometime"
          "What? No Sarah, I can't do this. Please help don't let them do this to me."
          "Martin, I will do the best I can, but I can make you no promises. Now you need to compose yourself for your interview with the judge. I don't know what she wants. This is highly irregular."
           Martin held his head high as he was escorted into the judges chambers by Sarah. Martin's high heels clicking the hardwood floor of the chambers, and his dress swaying slightly as he tried to exude confidence instead of the fear that was trembling inside of him. Martin looked elegant as he stood before the judge now. His pink hair as far as color was out of place and looked odd in a courtroom, but the conservative feminine styling of his hair was totally acceptable.
            The judge was was wearing her robe but a black pant suit. Martin glanced at her while she was reading through some papers. He thought she was rather attractive and felt even deeper despair at the fact this young attractive woman, a judge was to make a decision on him whether or not he would be allowed to be a man any longer in this society.
            There was only one officer in the room and she looked as if she could take Martin down in an instant if needed. Martin stood in front of the desk about three feet back. The judge finally looked up.
            "Mrs Vargos, I have read the interviews and recommendations from the experts in numerous fields of sexual relations, social relations, and psychiatrist that are relevant to us reaching a lawful and fair decision here. So, I wanted to talk to you for a moment before I make a decision. Are you OK with that?"
            She spoke with a pleasant voice but she was firm about her responsibilities as a judge and the rights of Martin and the rights of Martin's husband by law.
            "Yes ma'am," Martin said softly in a male voice.
            "As far as a husband's request being carried out after he is deceased, things get a little foggy here. The fact is your husband had the rights to make these decisions, and your marriage was set up to where he actually owned everything you had previously owned, and the rights to do with those things as he saw fit, He also may have the rights in this particular case for a continuation after death of this request."
           "Your honor, I......"
            The judge put her finger up. "I will tell you when to speak,"
            Martin became teary as she continued.
            "I need to ask you some questions and I ask that you answer then truthfully and to the point," she said holding up a paper that she had jotted the questions down on.
             The judge smiled and shook her head looking at a document.
            "Mrs. Vargos, I must say I never expected this case to have any kind of a precedence but I was surprised to find I was wrong. And I was even more shocked when I saw it was your father that was involved. Is this a family tradition in your family of men marrying feminized men?" she asked.
            "No, I......."
            "Just answer the questions Mrs. Vargos. Now in that marriage the husband also died and in the Will he had requested that his male bride continue to dress as a woman for 6 months to get the full inheritance that was coming to him. I understand that is being carried out. His marriage was structured much the same as yours. That is in a way carrying out the wishes of a deceased husband. Did you know about this?"
            Martin knew from what Dorothy had said to him but he was in such turmoil at the time that he didn't care about Dorothy's life, or even thought this could come back in the future.
           "I had been told that Dorothy was still dressing as a woman because of the Will."
           "Did you know about your fathers marriage to John?"
            "At anytime during your marriage with Baron Vargos did you revert back to dressing as a man?"
            "No ma'am,"
            "So you dressed as a woman the entire time you were married,"
            "Yes ma'am."
            "Did your husband ever see you not dressed as a woman?"
            "No ma'am, not that I know of."
            "You performed the "Three Nights of Consummation" so the public would know that you had consummated your marriage, and that you and the Baron were indeed having sex as husband and wife. This is a very demeaning custom for a woman in my opinion, but it is still recognized and some women will do it from time to time. You did it as a man.Weren't you the least bid embarrassed b doing this?"
            "I was forced to do it. I was tied down," Martin said his voice cracking now
            "Mrs. Vargos, are you gay?"
            "No." Martin said quickly.
            "Is it true that you submitted a document that was incorrectly filled out with your old name, to request information on beginning the sex change process for yourself?"
            "Yes, but I was trying................."
            "Do you have any desire to become a woman Mrs. Vargos?"
            "No, I do not."
            "Did you and your husband have private conversations about you becoming a woman?"
            "Did you ever dress as a girl growing up or before you met the Baron?"
            "No," Martin said softly.
            The judge was looking down at her papers again,
            "Mrs. Vargos, what do you have against being a woman? Do you feel being a woman is a lower social standing? You have been living as a woman up till now.
            "Because I'm a man and I don't want someone else telling me I can't be a man."
            "That is true in many arranged marriages with women where the bride has lost all her rights to self determination. Many women in arranged marriages have had their families file complaints about their husbands requiring them to have breast enhancements and tattoo's but the husband has that right. I want to know what is causing you concern about being female?"
            "I don't want to be a female. Why can't you just understand that?"
            "Look at this," the judge said holding up a photo. It was a picture of Martin taken by his mother when he was younger.
             Martin was dressed like a girl. Not in the daily sense but like he was in a Princess Pageant. Hair up in curls and ribbons, makeup with red lips, and a very frilly Pageant dress with red pumps and lace ankle socks. It was a picture his mother had taken of him on a day his  father was expected to be home for a business trip. There was no smile on the boys face in the photo, "Is this you?"
            "Y..Yes," Martin said looking at the judge.
            "Did you use to do Little Princess Pageants when you were a boy?" The judge smiled and looked at him.
            "No I didn't," Martin said, "I hated wearing those dresses."
            "But you told me you never dressed like a girl when you were younger. This is not a just a picture of a boy wearing a dress Mrs.Vargos. This is a feminized boy that has been through more than putting on a dress. He is a 'girly boy.' You lied to me. How often did you dress like a girl, and be careful, you don't know what else I have here."
            Martin lowered his eyes. He wondered how she had gotten that photo.
            "My mother used to dress me like that when my father returned from his business trips sometimes. I hated it. My father just laughed about it. She never told me why, she just did it sometimes."
            "Did those sometimes included other than your fathers returns from business trips?"
            "Yes," Martin said with a tear running down his cheek. "but I don't know why she made me do that. I didn't want to do it.
            The judge looked at Martin.
            "OK, that is all my questions. I will see you all in the courtroom shortly with my decision."
            "Please don't force me to have my sex changed. I can't take this anymore," Martin pleaded through tears.
             "I am not forcing you to have a sex change Mrs.Vargos. I am interpreting the law here, and the law may require you become a woman under these circumstances."
             "This is insane," Martin said as the guard took him by the arm.
             Martin was escorted out of the room.
             Sarah walked beside Martin. "She has already made up her mind?"
             "We have offered a compromise," Sarah said as they walked.
             "What? What do you mean a compromise,"
             "We have submitted that you be given breast via implants, and medication so arousal is not possible and sterilization in exchange for losing everything and having your sex officially changed to female."
             "Are you crazy too?" Martin said looking at her in disbelief. "That's not a compromise, that's just crazy talk. No, absolutely not."
             "We still have the appeal process then," she said without looking at him.
             Martin was shaken after talking with the judge. It was all but over. He tried to imagine himself with an altered male body to look like a female body and what he would do. "They are going to do this," he said to himself. "I have committed no crime, I am innocent and a victim but I am to be incarcerated and mutilated because the law says so? "
             Martin wanted to take the dress off right now. He had a lengthy sexual encounter the night before with Emily. She really looks like a girl, but he was a man. Martin had needed someone that could be understanding to his ordeal and he wanted to feel his manhood in use as much as possible. For all Martin knew that would be the last time he would be able to have sex as a man. He knew he had used Emily just for the sex and comfort that night that she could give. Emily had thought Martin was now accepting her as a feminine male, but that just wasn't the case.
             Martin entered the courtroom and was surprised that there were only the lawyers in the room. All the seats were empty. He walked to the front of the courtroom and sat down. The judge entered and they were all seated again.  
             "Mrs. Vargos, I have done a lot of research and listened to a lot of experts in your case. It is very unique and will be used in the future if similar situations come up. We will not go into your private life and history here as that was done behind closed doors with counselors and relatives."
             Martin shifted in his white 6" open toe heels. His painted toes raised up and then curled under in anticipation of the judges verdict.
             "This court agrees that the late Baron Vargos had every right to ask, and require his wife, who was male, to under go a sex change procedure to become female. This court also agrees that the wife has no legal recourse in the matter and may not file any legal actions to stop the sex change from moving forward. Does this law hold true in death after the husband's death, and the family is still insisting on the last request of Baron Vargos be honored."
             Martin was all teary as he stood looking at the judge.
             "Male and females are totally equal by law. There is nothing wrong or degrading with being a female. I think the problem here is not the actual sex change, but the idea that the choice is being made for Mrs. Vargos, which we have already established is permissible. Mrs. Vargos you will be helped along the way as you adjust."
             "NO!!!" Martin yelled out.
             "It is the decision of this court that you under go a complete sex change including reproduction abilities."
             "NO!!!! Martin yelled again while Sarah tried to calm him down.
             The guard was now cuffing Martin's hands behind his back as she finished reading the verdict on this.
             "All documents that have your information will have the sex changed from male to female including your birth certificate. You will be under constant counseling as you learn to adapt to your new lifestyle. I am ordering 3 years of psychiatric therapy and evaluation, forbidding you to marry for five years, your passport will be seized, and you will be under house arrest for now, as a flight risk."
              Martin's legs buckled as he tried to sit on the floor but the guard forced him back up on his feet.
             "NO, you can't do his to me." Martin howled.
              "Yes I can young man. That is this courts decision. Court adjourned."
              The judge left without looking back.
               Martin was crying as he was turned to leave.
              "I am starting the appeal Martin. Nothing will happen for a few weeks. You will be able to stay at home with the neck collar until then," Sarah said walking out with him now.
              "I don't want to do this," he said desperately his white dress moving back and forth as he walked.
              "Martin," a voice called in the hallway to him.
              He looked over and it was Dorothy. Dorothy gave him a smile and ran his hands up his own body and then squeezed his own large breast.
               "It wont be so bad Martin," he said still squeezing his breast. "It even feels good...........I guess. At least I still have this," Dorothy said grabbing her crotch quickly, "I guess you can make that work for you too. You can just tell me about that part."
               Martin was crying to hard to respond to Dorothy's taunting.


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